The purpose of the competition is to support in the cities of Mariupol and Nikopol the projects aimed at monitoring the activities of local self-government, implementation of the principles of transparency and accountability in local self-government sector, involvement of young people in finding innovative methods of fighting and preventing corruption. (Implementation of the concept of “City of Goodness”).
As a result of the competition of mini grants for CSOs of the cities of Mariupol and Nikopol, six winners were selected, (3 organizations in each city).
– NGO “Alliance for Civil Rights” – the project “Budget Pies”
– NGO “Power of Entrepreneurs” – the project “Regulatory Policy of Mariupol”
– NGO “Civic Initiatives Center “Eastern Gate” – the project “Corruption is”.
– Charitable organization “Nikopol Civic Initiatives Center” – the project “Responsible Youth against Corruption”
– NGO “Regional Association of Masters of State Management” – the project “Transparent Regulatory Activity is the Guarantee of Economic Growth in Nikopol”
– NGO of Dnipropetrovsk oblast “Energy of Life Plus” – the project “Implementing the Tools of Transparency and Openness of the Government of Nikopol City”.
Subgranters’ projects were monitored on a regular basis: 6 expert visits, 563 consultations on project activities and reporting were held. All subgrantees’ projects have been successfully implemented. In total, 78 informational and educational events were held by the grantees (trainings, workshops, game evenings, dialogue meetings, group work experiments, round tables, open discussions, etc.). 970 participants participated in those events. More than 2500 people were informed during public actions in the cities of Mariupol and Nikopol.
The results of the projects were impressive:
– Civic anti-corruption expertise was held for the first time in Mariupol. Thanks to the expertise it was possible to gather arguments for not adopting a regulatory act that threatened to destroy small business in the city; business community was involved in the analysis of draft regulatory acts; 2 video products aimed at forming zero tolerance of corruption were created; youth was involved in anti-corruption activities; civil society activists prepared a budget for citizens in a simplified form for the first time; parents of students and representatives of parent committees were involved in anti-corruption activities.
– In Nikopol the existing methodology for assessing the transparency of municipal companies has been improved, and their openness and transparency have been assessed. Recommendations have been prepared for each company; budget information and budget decisions were assessed as for their openness and accessibility; a set of documents for successful organizing and holding public discussion of draft regulatory acts has been developed; constructive cooperation between authorities and non-governmental organizations was provided.

During a project was created to video about the results of project and video of interview with the participants of project with that it is possible to become familiar here.
Workshop on Design Thinking was organized for the project participants. Oleksandr Akymenko, the entrepreneur was a trainer and consultant on implementing innovations and design thinking.

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