The project was aimed at providing systematic support to BSOP in Dnipropetrovsk oblast. 6 seminars on “Organizational and Legal Framework for the Creation and Operation of BSOPs”, 4 seminars “Study and Implementation of Best Practices to Improve the Efficiency of BSOP in Dnipropetrovsk oblast” (238 people) were held.
In partnership with Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, a regional seminar on the topic “Government and BSOP. Means of Effective Interaction” was held for representatives of local authorities, BSOPs, civil society organizations, deputies and the media.
The meeting of the Positive Change Club on the topic “Challenges of Creating and Functioning of BSOPs in Dnipropetrovsk region” took place and more than 250 individual and group consultations were held. 5 BSOPs were created.
Dnipro City Council prepared and adopted the “Program to Promote the Activities and Development of Bodies of Self-Organization of Population in Dnipro city for 2014-2017” and “Regulations on Self-Organization of Population in Dnipro city”